Want to calculate how much real time is left for you to complete a given job in ETS2? Convert it using this simple calculator!

How to Use This Calculator?

  1. Indicate whether you'd like to convert ETS2 to Real Time or Real Time to ETS2.
  2. Input the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
  3. Choose the time scale (in ETS2, time elapses 19 times faster in non-urban Europe areas, 15 times faster in non-urban UK areas, and 3 times faster within all cities). You also have the option to set your own scale by selecting the "Custom scale".

Your converted time should appear automatically in the "results" section after every change.

What is the Real Driving Time?

You might be curious about the reason behind the occasional disparity between "driving time" and "time".

The "driving time" factors in the breaks, considering a maximum driving duration of 9 hours per day.

This is why, when we're informed that we'll be driving for 6 in-game days, we're actually only going for ~2 in-game days.

Time in ETS2

Time passage in ETS2 depends on our location.

  • Time flows 19 times faster in non-urban Europe areas.
  • Time flows 15 times faster in non-urban UK areas.
  • Time flows 3 times faster in cities, depots, and rest stops.

In the case of TruckersMP multiplayer, time flows 6 times faster across all areas of the map.

ETS2 Time Table

Real Time ETS2 EU ETS2 UK ETS2 Cities TruckersMP
1 second 19 seconds 15 seconds 3 seconds 6 seconds
1 minute 19 minutes 15 minutes 3 minutes 6 minutes
10 minutes 3 hours, 10 minutes 2 hours, 30 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour
15 minutes 4 hours, 45 minutes 3 hours, 45 minutes 45 minutes 1 hour, 30 minutes
30 minutes 9 hours, 30 minutes 7 hours, 30 minutes 1 hour, 30 minutes 3 hours
1 hour 19 hours 15 hours 3 hours 6 hours
2 hours 1 day, 14 hours 1 day, 6 hours 6 hours 12 hours
3 hours 2 days, 9 hours 1 day, 21 hours 9 hours 18 hours
12 hours 9 days, 12 hours 7 days, 12 hours 1 day, 12 hours 3 days
1 day 19 days 15 days 3 days 6 days