ETS2 Distance Calculator

Convert the distance from Euro Truck Simulator 2 to real time or real distance based on the selected map scale and chosen units (e.g., kilometers or miles).

See also: ETS2 Time Calculator

Have you ever wondered how many real kilometers you’ve driven in Euro Truck Simulator 2? Or maybe you’re curious about how long it would take to drive a specific route in ETS2 at a given average speed in real life?

With this calculator, you can calculate the real time for a given route and the equivalent distance driven in real life.

How to calculate it?

To calculate how much real time it will take to drive a given route, divide the distance by the average speed, and then divide the result by the scale.

Real Time [seconds] = distance [m] / speed [m/s] / map scale [i.e. 19]

If you want to convert the distance from ETS2 to real distance, simply divide the in-game distance by the chosen map scale.

Real Distance [km] = distance [km] / map scale [i.e. 19]
Map Scale ETS2 Location
1:19 Europe
1:15 United Kingdom
1:3 Cities, depots, and rest stops