ATS Time Calculator

Convert time between American Truck Simulator and Real World!
For estimated time in ATS: More accurate in converting remaining in-game travel time. It excludes time needed for breaks.
See also: ATS Distance Calculator

Time in American Truck Simulator passes faster than in real life, so you probably sometimes wonder how long it will take you to drive a given route in real time.

Thanks to this calculator, you can easily convert the time, and you can save or share the results with your friends.

How to Convert Time from American Truck Simulator to Real Time?

It all depends on the scale.

The default scale is 1:20, which means that time in ATS flows 20 times faster than in real life. In this case, 1 hour (60 minutes) in the game corresponds to 3 minutes in real life.

Real Time = ATS Time / x

Where x = how much faster the time flows in the game (it's 20 by default).

However, remember that the time scale in the game can depend on several factors, e.g., in cities, it is 1:3, so 1 hour in the game will correspond to 20 minutes in real life.

Location Scale (Real Time : ATS Time)
General 1:20
Cities, depots, and rest stops 1:3
TruckersMP 1:6


Real Time ATS General ETS2 Cities TruckersMP
1 second 20 seconds 3 seconds 6 seconds
1 minute 20 minutes 3 minutes 6 minutes
10 minutes 3 hours, 20 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour
15 minutes 5 hours 45 minutes 1 hour, 30 minutes
30 minutes 10 hours 1 hour, 30 minutes 3 hours
1 hour 20 hours 3 hours 6 hours
2 hours 1 day, 16 hours 6 hours 12 hours
3 hours 2 days, 12 hours 9 hours 18 hours
12 hours 10 days 1 day, 12 hours 3 days
1 day 20 days 3 days 6 days