ATS Distance Calculator

Convert the distance from American Truck Simulator to Real Time or Real Distance based on the selected map scale and chosen units (e.g., kilometers or miles).

See also: ATS Time Calculator

This calculator allows you to check how long it will take to drive a given distance in American Truck Simulator in real time, and convert the distance in ATS to its equivalent in the real world.


To Convert Distance from American Truck Simulator to Real Time:

Divide the ATS distance by the average speed at which you'll be traveling. Then divide the result by the map scale (e.g., 20 if the scale is 1:20).

Real Time [seconds] = distance [meters] / speed [meters/second] / map scale [i.e. 20]

Remember to use the appropriate units (e.g., meters and meters per second).

To Convert Distance from American Truck Simulator to Real World Distance:

Divide the distance by the map scale (e.g., 20 for a 1:20 scale).

Real Distance [mi] = distance [mi] / map scale [i.e. 20]


Distance Average Speed Map Scale (Real Time : ATS Time) Real Time Real Distance
1200 miles 50 mph 1:20 01:12:00 60 miles
100 miles 30 mph 1:3 01:06:40 33.33 miles
2000 miles 45 mph 1:20 02:13:20 100.00 miles